Sr.Thadeus SD (Thessiamma Thomas, Meprathusseril, Muttar)


Born on- 17/02/1942
Professed on 06/06/1967
Died on 17/02/2021

Motto : ‘ Union with the compassionate Christ, for the proclamation of faith’

Sr.Thadeus  (Thressiamma Thomas) belonged to Meparathusseril family at Muttar, Alappuzha district. Her parish was St. Thomas church, Muttar. She was born on Feb 17, 1942. Her parents were Mr.Thomas and Mrs. Susamma Thomas. She had two brothers and two sisters; studied at St. George School Muttar till class ten and did her pre-degree study at Changanasserry. Then she did TTC at St. Theresas School Vazhappally . She joined SD convent Chunangamvelly in 1964. Her first profession was on Jan. 6, 1967. She served at Chunangamvely, Pala, Palakkattumala as teacher for 30 long years. She had special concern for the poor and needy ones.

Sr.Thadesus enjoyed community life, had good relationship with superiors and the rules and regulations she kept well. After retirement, she worked at Kodinattukunnu Mercy Home. From 2008 she was at Provincial house, Chethipuzha. Due to ill health she was shifted to Santwana , for two years she lived there, bed-ridden.

On Feb 17, 2021, she breathed her last and reached her goal in the presence of Mother DeepthiJose and sisters