Indian Classical Acupuncture
Acupuncture is one among the ancient traditional medical sciences existing in the present world. Origin of Acupuncture was approximately 8000 years ago. In India Acupuncture was found as a temporary pain relief or a treatment that was used in collaboration with other medical systems during 1980s. Indian Classical Acupuncture is an effective method of treatment without medicines. It deals with the root cause of the disease instead of treating the symptoms exhibited. It contains two major sections, One is diagnosis method to identify symptoms, properties and the root cause of the disease and for finding the point for treatment of disease. The second one is treatment methods to eradicate the root cause of the disease. Modern research has proved acupuncture’s effects on the cardiovascular system, nervous system, endocrine, immune , and digestive system. Acupuncture can help to resolve pain by stimulating the body’s various systems. It also improve sleep, digestive function, and sense of well-being.
In diagnosis, the patient is analyzed by touch, without asking any question. The method of diagnosis by examining the root cause of the disease by visual examination of the patient is also been followed, which is called diagnosis by inspection. After diagnosis, we follow the standard method of Indian Classical Acupuncture treatment, which is stimulation of the right acupuncture point in the body by placing the index finger on the upper layer of the skin.
Government of India recognized Acupuncture as a therapy in 2003 and declared Acupuncture as an Independent medical system in 2019. Sr.Joe Maria SD and Sr.Julie SD graduated from the Acudhaam Institute of Acupuncture in Punnapra, Alappuzha, with a diploma in acupuncture. They opened Indian Classical Acupuncture Clinics at Podippara, Changanassery and Kudamaloor, Kottayam. And they practice as certified acupuncture healers.